Friday, September 17, 2010

What Is Wrong With Using Wood Furniture Vs Bamboo Furniture?

What is wrong with using wood furniture? Nothing, if you do not care about how we can sustain the consumption of earth wood resources. As a starter, the world as we know it is losing its forests fast. This is causing environmental decline and extreme difficulty to secure resources for wood furniture.

On September 1, 2011 German Prime Minister Persson, who is also a member of World Resources Institute's board of directors, said "Restoring 150 million hectares of degraded lands represents an exciting and largely untapped opportunity to create more jobs and economic growth, while also protecting our climate." The Bonn Challenge builds on a New Global Assessment, a World Resources Institute's project, identifying that more than 2 billion hectares of the world's deforested and degraded lands are available for restoration. For further clarity, the earth land mass is about 14.9 billion Hectares (36.8 billion acres). So, more than 13.4% of the land on earth meets the criteria as recoverable from deforestation and degrading. The target of "The Bonn Challenge" is actually aiming at one percent of the earth land mass or 7.5% of the deforested land. There are four categories of forests depending on the latitude and climate, namely, tropical, subtropical, temperate, and taiga forests. During the last century, the world lost 20% of its forests. The remaining forests are evenly divided between tropical/subtropical forests in developing countries and temperate/taiga forests in developed countries. According to Lester R. Brown, in his book, titled "Plan B 3.0 -Mobilizing to Save Civilization," the developing world has lost 13 million hectares of forest a year since 1990, an area roughly the size of Greece, and the developed world actually gained 5.6 million hectares of forestland each year during the same period. He went on to describe that this net loss is worse than it seems because of the loose classification of forestland. Only 40 percent of the world's remaining forest cover qualify as natural forest systems capable to support all of their biodiversity.

What are the reasons for the over deforestation? They are described in the following points:

  • Firewood: developing countries in Africa, Haiti, Madagascar, etc. have a high demand for fuel and resort mostly to woods used as firewood, over half of the forest disappeared in exchange for fuel;

  • Paper: this is still a major use of woods even though recycling in the developed world has reduced the overall consumption of wood for paper and even caused some paper mills to close but remains a major player of this arena;

  • Lumber: construction and wood products still rely primarily on the forests, in the furniture area, China has taken the lead of wood products industry and has searched in the world for resources beyond Nigeria and the Philippines where the forests were exhausted, the recent exploited forests in Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, and Siberia, and into the Amazon and the Congo Basin. Forest Trends, an NGO, predicted even those recent mother lodes won't last more than 20 years.

  • Ranches and farms: Many developing countries like Brazil, Malaysia, and Indonesia exchanged forests for ranches raising cash producing animals and farms for commodity crops like palm oil for human consumption or diesel fuel, causing a term by Lester R. Brown, called "ecological/economic downward spiral" of no return.

Wood products include furniture, flooring, roofing, particle board, and other construction materials. Traditionally, we either stick with it or replace them with other materials like aluminum, cement, gypsum, plastics, etc. for many other good reasons. However, in furniture, bamboo is the only one that is organic and has been made from ancient times to the recent decade of "green" movement into environmentally sustainable bamboo furniture. The bamboo forests are also spread in all continents primarily in tropical and subtropical regions. They are already part of the eco-systems like the wood forests but they really belong to grass species, which mean they can grow right back after being cut from the stems. The world population continues to expand and the demand for furniture will continue to rise above the lagging supply by the wood furniture industry. Granted the developing countries will always strive to leap-frog and catch up with the developed countries because the latter seem to set the standards. How does our world connect with the rest of the world? One way is through the use of imported furniture, which is the rule than the exception in the last decade.

Needless to say, there is a long way to go before the furniture market is tipping over to bamboo. It is time however to make a personal statement in support of the "green" or environmental sustainability. Use more bamboo furniture than cutting down the last tree in the forest near you (you are lucky to find it).

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Add a Touch of Elegance to the Patio With an Outdoor Bar Table

Add a touch of elegance with functionality on the patio with an outdoor bar table. This amazing outdoor furniture will bring a warm ambiance to the patio and provide more options when entertaining friends or relatives. Outdoor parties would become livelier with the presence of this table because guests do not have to leave the party to get themselves a cocktail inside the house. Drinks can be set at the bar table that has been designed for outdoor use, where everyone at the party can have easy access to it. This way, it will become some kinds of a converging point for guests who wanted to have a nice chat while having that refreshing drink.

Outdoor parties can sometimes be difficult to manage as guests tend to walk off in the direction of the garden or some other areas of the house. The goal, therefore, is for the hosts to get the guests to gather in one area so that the party would exude with warmth, openness and friendliness.

Placing a couple of bar tables for outdoor use would help a lot in achieving this objective. It would become a mini-waterhole for where guests could gather to quench their thirst. Naturally, when opting for this type of setup, the hosts must choose the right type of outdoor bar table. Some of the factors to consider when setting up bar counters outdoors are its size, capacity and shape.

Fortunately, most of the outdoor counters available in a variety of shops nationwide have a tall and narrow design. This allows you to set them in the middle of your patio or backyard without worrying too much about the amount of space that it takes up. This gives your guests maximum freedom of movement as they move about from one section of the patio to the next.

Another great thing about this type of table is that it allows you to configure them in a way that a couple of guests would be able to sit around them just like in a real bar joint. Placing four or five bar counters for outdoor use in a strategic position would allow a greater number of seating areas while preserving the walking lanes around it for a smooth flow. This way, the guests would really have a wonderful time drinking and chatting while a couple of them sit on bar stools while the rest stand around them.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Multi-Faceted Sofa Beds

Need one extra bed to accommodate your guest? Less availability of space at your place to entertain your guest? Don't worry! Owning a sofa bed is no more an expensive deal. You can buy a sofa bed at reasonable prices to wash-off these fore-mentioned issues. Go through this article to know about different options.

Furniture is the nucleus of home when it comes to defining its beauty, decoration and status. And how does it sound, if eclectic furniture becomes multi-purpose. Yes! it is a multi-functional piece of furniture. The nomenclature itself suggests that it serves as both sofa and bed. It is a revised version of sofa and mostly it plays the center-stage to bring out the flamboyance of the house. If you welcome guests frequently at your place and need to accommodate a guest or two, buying a sofa bed would be the best option.

Why should you prefer leather sofa beds?

Not so space consuming - As you know that this bed is one piece of furniture that serves as two. Therefore, it functions as a mainstay to entertain your guests in the day and night too. Due to paucity of space in homes and apartments, it is an evidence of wisdom to use every meter of space in your home efficiently. Here comes the use of this bed.

Embellishes your home - You don't have to rack your brains when it comes to deciding about using it as an element of interior designing. It is always known for its style and class that makes your place look exquisite. In case you are a leather fanatic, you can choose a black or a brown sofa which would serve as a beautiful piece of furniture. The other plus about it is that leather never gets out of trend.

Many-sided leather sofa bed - Versatility holds intrinsic worth when it comes to buying furniture. Due to the fact that sofa bed works as both, sofa and bed, it becomes an incomparable benefit for the customer. You are paying for one piece of furniture and buying two.

Convenient - Sofa Beds are very comfortable to sit on and sleep. In addition, you can also alter it in your style, like you can spice it up with pillows and cushions to make it more stylish.

Points to ponder before buying a leather sofa bed

Once you have decided on buying a sofa bed, the next most important thing to be sure of is which one to buy. If you like the classy and dazzling look, then you should definitely opt for leather sofa bed. This are the most appealing ones available in the market. The other point to consider is that which style will suit your present living room decor. The current ambiance of your place along with the availability of space will definitely help you to discern which style you must go for. While choosing a sofa bed, it is wise to remember two things, it should be comfortable to sit on and sleep in, and it must be flashy.

On the other hand, the major thing to take care of, is your budget. Window-shopping and comparison-shopping are the two aspects which will enable you to study the market prices of the sofa beds and also you will get to know the difference in their quality and prices. You need to explore the market to pick the best quality leather sofa bed at the most reasonable prices.

Additionally, you can also prefer on-line shopping if you have a tight budget. Options on websites will provide you the availability of cash discounts and other offers to save money. In on-line shopping, comparing prices is also not a herculean task as you would not be visiting so many stores. Just make sure that whatever you buy is high on quality quotient and should be available at affordable prices.

Henceforth, while choosing leather sofa beds, you must decide on the material, size, color, and style that you are looking for. If you are clear about your requirements, then you can go ahead with buying it without any confusion.