In order to create a place for items that make their way into the home a small space is needed. If you can find a bare wall anywhere in your home, you can make a dedicated place for organizing personal belongings. This place does not need to be in the entryway. A hallway, corner or back-porch area will work fine. Finding a wooden coat rack that is the size you need will be your first task. If you have the space a large coat rack is a good idea because items can quickly accumulate. A shelf that you can place underneath this rack, with room for baskets will make it possible for things to be neatly stored. You can find baskets at many department stores, and finding baskets that fit in your bookcase or shelf will not be hard. If each child has one or two baskets this should be sufficient. All of their school books, important papers and other school items can be left in these baskets.
A picture frame, painted in the same colors as your coat rack can be made in to the perfect bulletin board. You can create a bulletin board that does not use thumb tacks by using ribbon to hold your items. This will let you avoid the problem of having thumb tacks fall on the floor. Cover a piece of cardboard in a fabric that matches your decor. Next take ribbon and wrap it in a crisscross pattern across your new bulletin board. This will be placed in your frame for a great place for children to slip in school notices, pictures and other important items. This should be hung at a level where small hands can reach. Children can learn to place important items on this bulletin board. This will prevent misplacing letters, invitations, report cards and any other items that need to be seen by parents.
A large basket can be placed on the floor for shoes, sports equipment or other items that need a home of their own. When you make a dedicated place for things that are used daily, it will be easy to keep your home organized. It can also help everyone be ontime for school and work when everything is located in one place.
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